About LPC Buddy
If you are a current LPC student, or someone who is just about to take the plunge and become one, then congratulations! You are taking the next step forward on what is, at times, an arduous journey to qualifying as a solicitor.
The LPC is an important step along your journey, and it is not an easy one. You will find, quite quickly, that the Legal Practice Course is a pretty relentless 10 month slog (or longer for you part-timers (sorry!)), characterised by significant volumes of reading, lots of self-tuition, and very little let up for the duration of the course.
The rate you will be expected to process information is incredibly high. Unfortunately, the life of an LPC student is also, all too often, made more difficult by the provision of poor quality course materials, including verbose and confusing textbooks, and substandard tuition.
LPC Buddy is here to help you survive your course by providing you with a concise study guide, designed to provide you with all the information you need to get through your workshops, and your exams, in a clear and accessible way.
Prepared by solicitors who studied at the University
of Law, and have since gone on to qualify at top firms including Kennedys,
Mills & Reeve, and RPC, we created LPC Buddy to try and minimise the stress
the LPC can cause.
We have used our experience of how little time there is to learn topics, how briefly some subjects are covered in Workshops, and how infuriating it can be to spend hours trawling through a clumsily worded textbook, to produce guides whichĀ cut through the noise and streamline your studying process.
We've done the hard work for you by carefully analysing the key concepts and highlighting the most important information, so you can focus on what really matters.
We have worked hard to make LPC Buddy as concise and accessible as possible, to give students more time to actually process the information they are taking on-board, and have more time for life outside of just studying!
We have condensed whole chapters in the textbook down to just a few pages or paragraphs, and give students the key information they need āat a glanceā. We have used all our experience as legal advisers to explain complex topics as straightforwardly as possible, avoiding the wordy explanations in the course materials.
If you are sick of struggling through poorly-worded and lengthy textbooks, spending hours trying to prepare for weekly workshops, or feeling stressed because you have fallen behind, we are here to help.
The LPC is all part of the journey of becoming a lawyer, but it is a chore, and your mission is just to get through it unscathed.
When you have it ticked off, you will be a step closer to practicing for real. Keep your head down and work hard, use the right materials, and you will be just fine.
If you have questions you want to ask us, or if you would just like to chat with a qualified solicitor about your journey into the profession, please get in touch! When you have passed, let us know and we will see you on the other side!
Best of luck!
Founder - LPC Buddy